UA-118263087-1 1877270018977497 Rhodonite, 27 Level, North Mine, Broken Hill, NSW | Minerals On Eyre
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Rhodonite, 27 Level, North Mine, Broken Hill, NSW
  • Rhodonite, 27 Level, North Mine, Broken Hill, NSW

    SKU: 336

    Size- 4cm x 3cm


    A very gemmy rhodonite crystal, especially with a bit of backlighting. The main crystal is nearly 3cm long and 1 cm wide and 1cm deep, a decent sized rhodonite crystal from the famous discovery in the north mine in the 1980's .  There are two other smaller part crystals attached to the speciman as can be seen in the photos. The main crystal has two main crystal faces, but has marks where the galena was attached to them. A nice gemmy rhodonite speciman, getting very hard to come by these days.

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