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Malachite, Malbunka Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, NT
  • Malachite, Malbunka Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, NT

    SKU: 329

    Size  7cm x 4cm


    Bright emerald green malachite crystals covering patches on a sandstone matrix. Other than azurite, this is the only other mineral that makes worthwhile specimans from this locality. As far as I know the mineral list from here is, Azurite, malachite, Barite, Chrysocolla, that being the order of importance as well. The barite was as crystals on some of the azurite suns, giving them a sprinkling of glistening tiny white crystals around the edge of the discs. Malachite is an unusual speciman from this locality, not often seen.

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