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Amethyst,  Mamuju Area,  Sulawesi Barat Prov, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
  • Amethyst, Mamuju Area, Sulawesi Barat Prov, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia

    SKU: 03

    Size- 4.5cm x 3cm


    A miniture sized speciman of the so called grape agate from the find in indonesia quite a few years back. Recent study in the U.S has proven these to be amethyst crystals in balls of tiny crystals. As far as I know this was the only find of this in the world and the mines have now been mined out and good specimans are nearly unobtainable now. Specimans with the sparkly surface such as this one , were always hard to come by. A well above average speciman of this unique material.

    Speciman looks better than in the photos.

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